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 控制输入 添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] control input

  1. 您应当删除活动中所有的非必需控制输入和输出。
    You should delete all non-required control inputs and outputs from an activity.
  2. 为了避免出现死锁,您必须连接所有必需的控制输入和数据输入
    To avoid a deadlock you must connect all required control inputs and data inputs.
  3. 一个悬空输入,如果它是某个活动或网关的控制输入、某个活动的数据输入,或某个活动必需的数据输入,那么它会导致死锁。
    A dangling input causes deadlocks if it is a control input of an activity or a gateway, a data input of a gateway, or a required data input of an activity.

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