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 控制通道 添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] control channel

  1. 把磁盘映射到两个 VIO 服务器并创建网络控制通道,VIO 客户机 LPAR 就会有两个访问路径。
    Mapping disks to both VIO servers and creating network control channels gives VIO client LPARs two legs to stand on.
  2. 这些操作中重点介绍了USB设备请求的协议:所有USB设备在其缺省控制通道处对主机的请求发出响应;
    Among them, the protocol of request processing is emphasized. All USB devices respond to host's request through their default control pipe.
  3. 对于控制通道中存在时滞的不确定时滞系统,讨论了时滞独立的输出反馈镇定律的设计问题。
    For uncertain systems with time-delay in control channel, design problem of robust output feedback stabilizers independent of delay is discussed.

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