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 控制误差 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 在自适应细分过程中,用相邻面片的法向夹角作为控制误差来反映细分的逼近程度是否足够;
    And in the each adaptive subdivision, we choose the normal angle of the adjacent faces as the control error to detect whether the approximation is sufficient.
  2. 第四章分析了误差的影响因素,以及如何控制误差,并辅以实例图表对误差进行说明,证明了这种方法的有效性和正确性;
    In chapter four, the effect factors of error and how to control it are analyzed. Thevalidity and practicality of the method are proved with the example graphs.
  3. 结果表明,模糊PID控制比传统的PID控制更能有效地抑制超调、减小控制误差,在控制时间上也有一定的优势。
    The results showed that, fuzzy PID control was more effective in suppression of the overshoot, and reducing the control error, and there was also a certain advantage in controlling time.

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