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 平衡踏板 添加此单词到默认生词本
balanced pedal

  1. 如果你难以平衡脚上的重量,在油门踏板下放半个网球将对你有所帮助。
    If you have problems balancing the weight of your foot to the pedal, it helps to keep a halved tennis ball right under the accelerator pedal lever.
  2. 平衡板的大小和做踏板操时使用的踏板差不多,它使用了与测定飞机重量相同的技术。
    The Balance Board measures roughly the size of a step used in step aerobics classes, and USES the same technology that gauges the weight of airplanes.
  3. 使用方法:双脚平衡站在圆形踏板上,双手握紧扶手,左右转动腰下肢体。
    Use Method:Hold the handrail firmly and stand on the round footboard to move your body from left to right with the power of the waist, repeat the movement.

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