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 平衡载荷 添加此单词到默认生词本
balancing load

  1. 承载链直接承受平衡载荷,可大幅度减小主传动链的受力。
    The bearing chain bears the equilibrium load to reduce the force on the main drive chain to a great degree.
  2. 主传动链与承载链将悬点载荷分解为换向抽汲载荷平衡载荷
    The main drive chain and the bearing chain divide the polished rod load into reverse pumping load and equilibrium load.
  3. 链结子为换向机构,具有滑动轴承功能,并联循环链和主传动链,把循环运动变为上下往复运动。承载链直接承受平衡载荷,可大幅度减小主传动链的受力。
    The chain link is the reverse mechanism, functions as sliding bearing and makes the cycle chain and main drive chain parallel to change the circulation into reciprocation.

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