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 平衡透析 添加此单词到默认生词本
equilibrium humidity

  1. 平衡透析法是定量研究蛋白质与有机小分子相互作用的经典方法。
    Equilibrium dialysis is a classical method in studying on the interactions of proteins with organic small molecules.
  2. 平衡透析法是定量研究蛋白质与有机小分子相互作用的经典方法。
    The effects of surfactants and small organic molecules on solid-supported bilayer membranes;
  3. 在中间槽室中加入样品,两侧槽室中加入溶剂可进行电渗析或平衡透析
    Samples are added in the middle groove chamber, and solvents are added in other groove Chambers on both sides of the device to carry out electrodialysis or equilibrium dialysis.

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