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 平衡迭代 [píng héng dié dài添加此单词到默认生词本
[力] equilibrium iteration

  1. 同时推导了统一切向矩阵以便确定每一平衡迭代后的试算应变。
    The consistent tangent matrix was also deduced to determine the trial strain at the end of every internal iteration.
  2. 由于众多非线性因素的影响,使得静力平衡迭代算法的收敛性难以保证。
    Because of the effects of many nonlinear factors, the static equilibrium iteration algorithm is not assured of its convergence in numerical simulation of 3D sheet forming processes.
  3. 该文应用具有平衡迭代格式的荷载增量法对非保守力作用下鞭天线结构的几何非线性问题进行了有限元分析;
    The geometric nonlinear problem of whip antenna structure underthe action of nonconservative loads is analyzed by means of the loading incremental method which has the balanceiteration format.

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