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 启动性能 添加此单词到默认生词本
[动力] starting performance

  1. 工程机械启动性能的好坏,直接影响工作效率、设备使用寿命。
    Electric starting performance may directly affect operation efficiency and service life of the vehicles.
  2. 研究了在制热模式下,气液分离器对风冷热泵冷热水机组启动性能的影响。
    The effects of the suction line accumulator on heat pump chiller performance are investigated during start-up operation in heating mode.
  3. 高度精炼、性能稳定的润滑油具有启动性能优良特点,适用于救生艇发动机、应急消防泵发动机和空压机原动机润滑。
    Highly refined oils with stability and starting quick & easy. Especial suitable for use of lifeboat engine emergency fire pump generator and air compresser engine.

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