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 启动机 [qǐ dòng jī添加此单词到默认生词本
starting engine

  1. 一个独立工作的喷气燃油发动启动机被加了上去。
    A self-contained jet fuel engine starter was added.
  2. 连接=选择此项当虚拟机启动时自动连接到你的虚拟网卡.
    Connected — Check or uncheck this option while the virtual machine is running to connect or disconnect the virtual network adapter.
  3. 提出在带式输送中应用调速型液力偶合器,实现软启动及多功率平衡,从而提高带式输送的经济技术指标。
    It is proposed that applying this coupler in a belt conveyer, soft start-up and multi-motor power balance are achieved and thus the econo-technical norms of a belt conveyer are improved.

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