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 启动电极 [qǐ dòng diàn jí添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] starting electrode

  1. 可能有几个辅助电极以说明启动和维护弧线。
    There may be several auxiliary electrodes to aid in starting and maintaining the arc.
  2. 在荧光灯启动时,电极上的发射物质(电子粉)溅散、损耗最为严重。
    When the fluorescent lamp starts-up, the sputtering and waste of the missile on the electrode is most serious.
  3. 大脑把发送一股电神经冲动到这些天线,电极启动仿生手臂或者手去相应地移动。
    When the brain sends an electrical nerveempowersimpulse to these antennas, theelectronelectrode activates the prosthetic arm or hand to move accordingly.

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