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 启动电容器 [qǐ dòng diàn róng qì添加此单词到默认生词本
starting capacitor

  1. 详细说明:电容器灌封蜡:主要用于低压自愈式电力电容器,交流马达启动电容器等金属化电容器的绝缘灌封。
    Waxes for Capacitor Encapsulation : Applied as encapsulation insulator for metalized capacitor such as self-healing type low voltage power capacitor , alternating motor startup capacitor.Feasible viscosity , hardness , excellent electrical insulating , low loss , and is good compatibility with polypropylene film and shell of capacitor.
  2. 这将触发传感器启动坦克内部的电容器
    This would trigger sensors to activate electrical capacitors inside the tank.
  3. YC系列单相电容器启动电机是铝壳电机中的一个系列产品。
    YC Series single-phase capacitor start motor is one kind of aluminum housing motor.

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