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 变糊涂 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 被把弄糊涂,苦修僧人努力在水里软豆,并且当这失败时,他仅仅喝液体。
    Confused, the dervish tried to soften the beans in water, and when this failed, he simply drank the liquid.
  2. 另外,由于大脑自己降温的方式有限,这也就能解释为什么高温会使人变糊涂了。
    It could help explain why humans become confused and in extreme heat as the brain has limited ways of cooling itself down.
  3. 一年以前,我有一天在台北街道等路灯绿,忽然发现一个小孩子糊里糊涂地穿越红灯,我只好冲上去将他一把拉了回来。
    A year ago, I was waiting at a stoplight on a Taipei street corner one day when suddenly I saw a little boy blunder out into the road, oblivious to the red light.

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