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 变色灯 添加此单词到默认生词本
color-changing lamp
alternating light

  1. 着重探讨研制和开发一种专门用于建筑物外部的动态泛光照明新型投光变色装置。
    This paper probes into the research and development of a new type of coloring device of projecting lights.
  2. LED饰,变色(包括渐变、循环变)系列,形式多样小巧玲珑代表了未来光源的一个发展方向。
    LED lighting, color (including gradient, cyclic variable) lamp series, small and diverse forms on behalf of the future development direction of a light source.
  3. 1型电子变色画屏是以电子电路产生的可控电流使色交替循环发光作背景光源,以背投的方式使画屏的颜色随背景光源的颜色的变化而变化,产生奇妙的梦幻效果。
    The ECP-1 electronic variable painting can produce marvelous dreamy result, it is controled by electronic circuit to make the colourful light alternation display on painting background.

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