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 变色牙 添加此单词到默认生词本
discolored tooth

  1. 结果:修复后出现的问题包括冠松动脱落、瓷崩、龈炎、食物嵌塞、变色、基继发龋、髓炎、咬合痛及基松动。
    Result Complications included crown mobility, ceramic fracture, chronic gingisitis and food impaction, gingival discoloration, carries and acute pulpitis, masticatory pain, tooth mobility.
  2. 患者主诉希望改善前的间隙和变色
    Patient was un-happy with spaces and discoloration of existing teeth.
  3. 而且,这种方法经常是按每颗来收费,因此如果你只有一两颗齿变色严重需要增白的话,你可以省下一笔银子了,这也是一种经常的情况。
    Also, it's usually charged per tooth, so you can save money if you only have one or two teeth that are discoloured and need whitening, as is often the case.

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