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 变色剂 添加此单词到默认生词本
colour-changing agent

  1. 热敏变色衣料颜色会随温度变化而不断变化,这是因为在衣料中添加了由高分子材料制成的变色剂
    This is because a discoloring agent composed of a high polymer structure has been added to the clothing material.
  2. 采用正交试验和条件试验,筛选出了一种以植酸、苯甲酸钠、钼酸钠和EDTA为质本组成的镍磷合金抗蚀防变色剂
    A new anti-tarnish agent has been screened out, based on phytic acid, sodium benzoate, sodium molybdate and EDTA by means of orthogonal analysis and conditional experiments.
  3. 详细介绍了热敏变色材料的发展和目前的研究情况,常用变色剂的类型及其变色机理和热敏变色纤维的制造方法。
    In this paper, thermochromic agents in common use were discussed, as well as their thermochromism mechanism and usage. The preparation of thermochromic fibers was introduced.

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