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 努力实现 [nǔ lì shí xiàn添加此单词到默认生词本
pull off

  1. 选择正确的方向,然后朝那个方向努力实现你的目标。
    Decide the right direction and work in that direction to achieve your goal.
  2. 古巴很多事都会改变,但这些改变,将通过我们自己的努力实现,根本不关美国什么事。
    Many things will change in Cuba, but they will change through our efforts and in spite of the United States.
  3. 他说:“世界银行希望在孟加拉努力实现发展目标的过程中继续成为其积极的合作伙伴”。
    "The World Bank intends to remain an active partner for Bangladesh in working to achieve its development goals," he said.

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