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 劫持飞机 添加此单词到默认生词本
aircraft seizures

  1. 第四架被劫持飞机在宾希法尼亚州的东部爆炸。
    A fourth hijacked plane crashed in the eastern state of Pennsylvania.
  2. 他们意识到阿联酋长国是2001年911美国恐怖袭击事件中劫持飞机罪犯的基地。
    They noted that the United Arab Emirates served as a base for the hijackers who took part in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.
  3. 昨天,让人不寒而栗的关于被劫持飞机的乘客和在世贸中心的职员最后道别的报告披露了出来。
    CHILLING accounts emerged y yesterday of the final goodbyes of passengers on the hijacked planes and workers in the World Trade Center.

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