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 努比亚 [nǔ bǐ yà添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 根据努比亚人和他们的敌人们刻在石板上的记录,可以推断出这些统治者们的足迹遍布非洲大部分地区。
    Through inscriptions carved on stelae by both the Nubians and their enemies, it is possible to map out these rulers’ vast footprint on the continent.
  2. 东非大裂谷构造先是将非洲之角一分为二(西侧的努比亚板块与东侧的索马里板块反向漂离),然后又沿着乌干达的边界发生分叉。
    The East African Rift System bisects the horn of Africa—the Nubian plate to the west moving away from the Somalian plate to the east—before forking down either side of Uganda.
  3. 为了弄清真相,最近,有一位化学家从一名努比亚儿童木乃伊身上提取了部分骨骼,将其溶解于氟化氢,这种极具腐蚀性的酸可用于提取四环素。
    To get to the bottom of this, a chemist recently took bone from the mummy of a Nubian child and dissolved it in hydrogen fluoride, a nasty acid that helps extract tetracycline.

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