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 劫富济贫 [jié fù jì pín添加此单词到默认生词本
rob the rich and assist the poor
rob the rich to feed the poor

  1. 奥巴马的当选及其劫富济贫的左派经济政策让更多美国年轻人关注政治。
    His election and his leftist economic policy that 'robs the rich to give to the poor' has drawn more attention of American young people to politics.
  2. 这部电影是一部冒险史诗片,试图述说一位传奇的英雄人物如何变成侠盗劫富济贫
    The movie is an epic adventure that seeks to explain how the hero of legend becomes an outlaw robbing the rich to feed the poor.
  3. 墨西哥人就维拉到底是他自己所声称的劫富济贫的大侠不是只是一般的强盗而有过争论。
    Maxi-cans have argued whether Villa was the Robin Hood he claimed to be or just an ordinary hood.

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