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 出发地 添加此单词到默认生词本
place of departure

  1. 战斗结束后幸存的舰队各自飞回他们的出发地
    After the battle every surviving fleet flys back to where it comes from.
  2. 除另有规定外,票价只适用于从出发地机场至目的地机场的航空运输。
    Fares apply only for carriage from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the point of destination, unless otherwise expressly stated.
  3. 请注意飞行计划的填报,填写错误的出发地/目的地的回报将不被审批.
    Please pay attention to your flight plans. Flight plans with wrong departure/arrival airfields will NOT be accepted.

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