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 出口优势 添加此单词到默认生词本
[贸易] export superiority
trump cards in the export of

  1. 意大利仍有一些世界级的公司和品牌以及可以依赖的强大出口优势
    Italy still has some world-class firms and brands, and an exporting prowess that could be built on.
  2. 外国对中国出口优势的敌意正越来越浓。
    Foreign hostility to China’s export dominance is growing.
  3. 包括美国在内的很多国家长期抱怨说,中国汇率低估使它获得了一种不公平的出口优势
    Many countries, including the U.S., have long complained that China's weak currency gives it an unfair advantage in selling its goods around the world.

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