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 内燃 [nèi rán添加此单词到默认生词本
IC(internal combustion)

  1. 内燃机引擎的辅助下,这款汽车最多可以行驶1,400公里。
    With the aid of its combustion engine, it can travel up to 1,400 kilometers.
  2. 氢气可以用在汽车的内燃机引擎,或者以燃料电池的形式为汽车提供能源。使用氢气能源的排放物仅仅是热和水。
    It can be used to run an internal combustion engine in a car or power one using a fuel cell, with heat and water as the only emissions.
  3. 由于这个作品仅用一个齿轮取代了复杂而昂贵的电机或内燃机等动力设备,使其制造成本和市场竞争力大大提升。
    Because the work with just one gear replaced the complex and expensive motor or power plants such as internal combustion engine, the manufacturing cost and market competitiveness significantly better.

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