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 内燃式热风炉 [nèi rán shì rè fēng lú添加此单词到默认生词本
[炉窑] internal combustion stove

  1. 梅山高风温长寿命内燃式热风炉的设计与生产实践。
    Design and production practice of internal combustion type hot air stove with high temperature in Meishan Iron and Steel Co. , Ltd.
  2. 某钢厂小型内燃式热风炉采用霍戈文矩形燃烧器,在烧炉过程中出现明显的震动现象。
    Hoogovens rectangular burner is adopted in a small-size internal combustion hot-blast stove. There is visible vibration phenomenon during combustion.
  3. 应用三维流场计算机模拟软件对鞍钢4号高炉内燃式热风炉冷风分配情况进行了模拟研究。
    Simulation studies have been carried out on the cold blast distribution in the internal combustion stove of No. 4 BF at Anshan Iron and Steel Corp by application of 3-D fluid flow software.

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