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 内燥 [nèi zào添加此单词到默认生词本
[中医] endogenous dryness

  1. 阴虚内燥与痰浊水湿并见是其临床特点。
    Yin asthenia generating intrinsic dryness exists together with turbid phlegm, dampness and water are the main clinical features.
  2. 为了使其与外感六淫相区别,称为风、寒、湿、内燥火。
    In order to distinguish them from the six exogenous pathogens, they are termed the internal wind, internal cold, internal damp, internal dryness and internal fire.
  3. 生五气(风、寒、湿、内燥火)非自外入,而是由于脏腑功能活动失调所产生。
    The five pathogens (endogenous wind, cold, dampness, dryness and fire) are the result of dysfunction of the zang and fu organs, which have different clinical manifestations in gyneco1ogical dis-eases.

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