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 内燃发电机 [nèi rán fā diàn jī添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] internal combustion engine generator

  1. 内燃发电机跟所有的引擎一样,必须在很窄的扭力和转速范围下才能达到最高效率。
    Like all engines, internal-combustion power plants run most efficiently in a narrow range of torque and speeds.
  2. 根据自由活塞式内燃发电机(FPG)的运行原理,论述了研制中的FPG样机点火系统的设计及实现过程。
    An ignition system for a free piston generator(FPG) is designed and realized based on the operation principle of FPG.
  3. 根据自由活塞式内燃发电机的运行原理,建立了基于动力学和热力学方程的自由活塞式内燃发电机动力学模型。
    A dynamic model of a free piston generator (FPG) was developed considering the operation principle of FPG based on dynamics and thermodynamics equations.

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