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 滚螺纹 [gǔn luó wén添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] roll threading

  1. 螺纹岩石锚杆应具有螺纹,最小防腐蚀保护长度150mm,或者比锚杆本身要好;
    Threaded rock bolts shall be provided with rolled threads of min. 150 mm length of the same corrosion protection or better than the bolt itself.
  2. 通过对螺纹的工艺分析,提出一种高位置精度螺纹压加工方法,并介绍加工螺纹的夹具。
    Analyzed technology of thread-rolling, put forward a method of high positional screw thread working and introduced the fixture configuration of thread-rolling in detail.
  3. 本文通过对在双柱机上螺纹时,形成尺寸链的分析,找出影响螺纹精度的因素,并提出了解决途径。
    Through the analysis of dimensional chain when rolling thread on double-roller machine tool, the effective factors of thread precision were presented, and the way to solve was given.

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