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 滚轧 [gǔn zhá添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] rolling

  1. 热锻、滚轧、热压等等。
    Hot forging rolling extrusion etc.
  2. 阐述了小模数渐开线花键的滚轧成形,轮的设计及制造。制造工艺采用线切割成形,工艺简单。
    The article described the rolling forming of the little modulus involute spline, designing and manufacturing of the roller. The forming technology is line cutting.
  3. 滚轧直螺纹钢筋连接技术具有技术先进、加工工序少、连接强度高、施工方便、连接质量可靠等诸多施工优点;
    Thread rolling connection of bars has the advantages of advanced technology, less fabrication procedure, greater connecting strength, convenient construction, and reliable connecting quality, etc.

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