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 滞后损失 添加此单词到默认生词本
[物] hysteresis loss

  1. 疲劳过程中材料的滞后损失基本保持不变。
    The hysteretic loss keeps constant until the end of the fatigue life.
  2. 大分子活性链的端基官能团改性技术可以改善SSBR的滞后损失性,降低轮胎的滚动阻力;
    The modification process of end-groups in macromolecular chain can improve hysteresis loss of SSBR and decrease rolling resistance of tire;
  3. 据专利报道用玉米淀粉部分替代炭黑、白炭黑这样的传统填料可以改善胎面胶料的牵引性能和滞后损失,降低滚动阻力。
    It is reported that corn starch, which partly replace carbon black (CB) and silica, can improve the tractive properties, hysteresis loss and reduce rolling resistance of tire.

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