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 滞后期 添加此单词到默认生词本
[微] lag phase

  1. 最后还有一种担心:经济表现突然变差同样也会增加谋杀率,通常有个滞后期
    One worrying final thought: sudden dips in economic performance have also been known to increase the homicide rate, usually with a lag.
  2. 这项研究揭示出,50年的间隔是一段“不可想象的漫长、缓慢和滞后期”,Schenck 说,“这是一条重大新闻。”
    The 50-year interval uncovered in the study is an “extraordinarily long and slow lag period,” Schenck says. “That’s the big news.”
  3. 他还说到美联储会在“足够长的滞后期”后披露借款者的身份i避免伤害到这些公司,而且会破坏市场以及借款人的信心。
    He said the Fed would disclose the identities of the borrowers after a “lag that is sufficiently long” to avoid hurting the companies, undermining market confidence or discouraging borrowers.

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