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 unmistakably   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adv ]
    1. without possibility of mistake

    2. <adv.all>
      this watercolor is unmistakably a synthesis of nature
    3. in a signal manner

    4. <adv.all>
      signally inappropriate methods

    Unmistakable \Un`mis*tak"a*ble\, a.
    Incapable of being mistaken or misunderstood; clear; plain;
    obvious; evident. -- {Un`mis*tak"a*bly}, adv.

    1. Dr. Manuel Dominguez, the head of the team, said "the use of yperite (mustard gas) was unmistakably confirmed."
    2. However, we will continue to make this point unmistakably clear every time they explode one of their nuclear devices." Premier Michel Rocard said recently France would reduce the number of nuclear tests each year at Mururoa from eight to six.
    3. Though Ms. Oslin's songs were country, they were country influenced by rock and pop and soul and show tunes, with lyrics unmistakably written by a mature woman who'd seen enough to look at herself, and life, with a sense of humor.
    4. Zurich's private banks, Alpine views and chocolate truffes may be unmistakably Swiss, but its musical life is heavily dependent on imported talent.
    5. For all the hesitations about sending tanks to Baghdad, the Scud attacks make unmistakably clear that is where the ultimate sanctuary lies.
    6. But his unmistakably Saint Laurent silhouette and color palette made good sense for women who want to look chic and sexy.
    7. But today's Japan and today's Germany are unmistakably Japanese and German in culture, no matter how different this or that behavior.
    8. Yes, the Cold War has ended, and, unmistakably, our side has won.
    9. Long live Saddam, hero of Arab unity!" "I saw that demonstration," said 16-year-old Rasha al-Faraj. "The women's accent was unmistakably Iraqi.
    10. Still, it felt unmistakably like an Escort and delivered a sane ride.
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