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 unmitigated [,ʌn'mitigeitid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 未缓和的, 未减轻的, 全然的

[法] 全然的, 绝对的, 未减轻的

    [ adj ]
    not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity; sometimes used as an intensifier
    unmitigated sufferingan unmitigated horror
    an unmitigated lie

    1. But capitalism's triumph is by no means unmitigated.
    2. Politicians and industrialists who have been describing the trade deficit as an unmitigated evil should try to keep the investment factor in mind.
    3. "It's an absolute, categorical, unmitigated disaster," said junk bond holder Seymour Licht.
    4. The heavy-jowled, stubbly and glowering figure portrayed by the Washington Post editorial cartoonist "was an unmitigated force of evil," Parmet said.
    5. As with so much French modern dance, I find his creations intellectually costive, top-heavy with meaning and woefully thin in movement. Preljocaj's programme had the unmitigated gall to call itself a Homage to the Ballets Russes.
    6. Biller said that accusations that the postal monopoly is causing increased costs are "unmitigated lies."
    7. But the D-Mark's exchange rate against the Spanish peseta was up to Pta80.10 from Pta79.98. People looking for the German currency to return to unmitigated strength gained some consolation from its performance against the dollar.
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