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 unmoved [,ʌn'mu:vd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 没有动过的, 不动摇的, 坚决的, 冷静的

    [ adj ]
    1. emotionally unmoved

    2. <adj.all>
      always appeared completely unmoved and imperturbable
    3. being in the original position; not having been moved

    4. <adj.all>
      the archeologists could date the vase because it was in-situ
      an in-situ investigator

    Unmoved \Un*moved"\, a.
    Not moved; fixed; firm; unshaken; calm; apathetic. --
    {Un*mov"ed*ly}, adv.

    1. U.S. District Judge William Hoeveler did not immediately decide the issue but appeared unmoved.
    2. The only economic news - the report of a 0.1 per cent rise in store sales for the third week of May - left prices unmoved.
    3. The stock market also was unmoved by a widening in the continuing securities industry scandals, news that several more securities firms, in addition to the 17 companies that have already made announcements, compensated clients for securities losses.
    4. Tusa, a former BBC-TV anchorman who took over the World Service in 1986, is unmoved by the suggestion that he's meddling with an institution.
    5. Despite a spate of publicity about the problems, voters remained unmoved.
    6. Few readers, perhaps, will close this book unexasperated by Coleridge's foibles; I think none will come to the end unmoved by his painfully expansive genius.
    7. Mortgage-Backed Securities Prices of mortgage-backed securities were virtually unmoved.
    8. Now they will pay attention to him." But Tony Bonilla, an influential Democrat whom Bush singled out by name as a person he had tried to recruit for the GOP, was unmoved by the vice president's promise to put a Hispanic in the Cabinet.
    9. Noriega appears unmoved by all the human suffering," Jose Mulino, an attorney, told a news conference. "We'll be considering new strategies.
    10. Nevertheless, churchmen like Cardinal Ratzinger remain unmoved by demands that the church should tolerate new ethical norms or risk becoming irrelevant.
    11. Mr. Tisch was unmoved.
    12. The Aluminum Company of America is financing the projects to lure upscale beverage consumers who are unmoved by what amounts to an 11-cent bounty on a six-pack in states that don't have deposit laws.
    13. John Tower's pledge to swear off alcohol if approved as defense secretary left two undecided Senate Democrats unmoved today and pledging they will go over all evidence on the nominee's character before deciding how to vote.
    14. "If you stand still, shaken, before this monument, then that can be atonement for those who walked unmoved past the living Jews washing the streets then," Eisenberg said.
    15. Most Lithuanians greeted their president with warm smiles and handshakes, but they appeared unmoved by his plea.
    16. As a result, patterns of discrimination remained unmoved, the willingness of Congress and the president to do something about it was cynically regarded, and the credibility of courts was on the line.
    17. Only the Shetland ponies seem unmoved, grazing pot-bellied and content in rough pastures. It is the remoteness of the Shetland Islands, far off the north-east of Scotland, that gives them their wild climate.
    18. Gary Michael Heidnik, a self-styled minister and a financial whiz, sat unmoved during opening statements Monday.
    19. But Pfaelzer was unmoved.
    20. Bond dealers said that prices were trapped in a narrow trading range throughout the day, unmoved by more evidence of economic weakness and a little confused by recent movements of the federal funds rate.
    21. Earth has plenty of things to show more fair than this featureless platform of volcanic rock, but dull would be the person unmoved by its inhabitants' extraordinarily relaxed attitude to humankind.
    22. Only a handful have returned to work. Labour MPs have protested at the dismissals as an attack on workers' rights. The company's business is badly hit but the management is unmoved.
    23. A marked fall in the FT-SE 100 index while the FT-SE mid-250 remains unmoved should be treated with some caution.
    24. Shares in some companies that reported their results on Wednesday were initially unmoved amid general market preoccupation with the near-term course of international interest rates.
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