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 unmistakable   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不会弄错的, 不会被误解的, 不会搞错的, 明白无误的, 清楚明白的

    [ adj ]
    1. clearly evident to the mind

    2. <adj.all>
      his opposition to slavery was unmistakable
    3. clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

    4. <adj.all>
      the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields
      evident hostility
      manifest disapproval
      patent advantages
      made his meaning plain
      it is plain that he is no reactionary
      in plain view

    Unmistakable \Un`mis*tak"a*ble\, a.
    Incapable of being mistaken or misunderstood; clear; plain;
    obvious; evident. -- {Un`mis*tak"a*bly}, adv.

    1. A Bush administration report to Congress complains in unmistakable terms about human rights abuses in China following last year's crackdown on the pro-democracy movement there, according to sources who have seen the document.
    2. "Whistling is an unmistakable sign of the moron," Shaw said.
    3. "I'm proud to have Dan Quayle at my side," Bush said, giving delegates an unmistakable sign that he was not backing away from his running mate.
    4. The breathtaking speed at which Internet technology is evolving, and the tremendous amount of international information available call for unmistakable corporate and brand identities that have an impact on visitors.
    5. With their growth, however, has come an unmistakable trend.
    6. What followed was an unmistakable White House campaign to blunt any continuing talk of an aimless presidency.
    7. Its home audience, seated at the electronic hearth, heard the unmistakable sound of an audience's laughter if they noticed it at all.
    8. Leave the stage - at once!" Cyrano emerges, pushing his way through the crowd, his long hair and great nose unmistakable.
    9. In any case, the fact that a huge mosque has risen virtually in the back yard of the Vatican is an unmistakable symbol of mutual tolerance between two faiths with ancient rivalries.
    10. Today, there are unmistakable signs of revival, including two new office towers built with Canadian money.
    11. Mr. Williams's implication is unmistakable: The story of jazz ended in 1960.
    12. Signs of progress seem unmistakable.
    13. There's an unmistakable sense of loss as Crow's top officials discuss the changes, and their impact on Crow partners.
    14. "That's not fishing; that's indiscriminate slaughter." Unsoeld said the resolution "sends an unmistakable message that we want these pirates put out of business."
    15. Longer growths may tempt you this weekend, but if you cut at the wrong time, you will lose the flowers. Under hostas, pig-power is unmistakable.
    16. He and his wife, who would read nightly to their daughter, knew Prep for Prep was the unmistakable knock of opportunity.
    17. The 9.5 per cent rise in unit labour costs over the past two years had left an unmistakable mark on prices.
    18. While that argument made some sense, the timing of the layoffs, right after a big loss, left the unmistakable impression the campaign was folding.
    19. The extent to which Ericsson acted as a catalyst for these developments is debatable, but the benefit it has derived from them is unmistakable. The bald figures tell all.
    20. But Democrats insisted their private soundings were showing unmistakable signs of movement in Dukakis' direction in states from California to Florida.
    21. But a Kieslowski film is still unmistakable.
    22. Govan Mbeki's voice was soft, but the irony of his speech came through with unmistakable clarity.
    23. But the trend for an individual office tells an unmistakable story.
    24. As a matter of internal control, these steps should include giving unmistakable policy guidance to the chief executive.
    25. But the streak of misanthropy and depression (about as wide as Balham High Street) which was so close below the surface of his work has been unmistakable here.
    26. The roar with which they are fired is unmistakable.
    27. But the message is unmistakable: U.S. banks, once riding high in global finance, are losing their grip on the nation's and the world's credit reins.
    28. It was not quite the White House Rose Garden, but the tone was unmistakable.
    29. You have raised your voices in an unmistakable chorus.
    30. In the theatre the volume is not so great as the records suggest, but the vivid impact, the personality, the rhythmic zest and the burnish on the tone are unmistakable.
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