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 twinjet 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a jet plane propelled by two jet engines

    1. The order, announced Thursday, includes five 747-400 jumbo jets; one 747-200F, a jumbo freighter; four widebody 767s; 13 midsized 757s; and 13 737-300s, a smaller twinjet.
    2. The successor of the 737-200 twinjet will carry 108 passengers, be quieter and consume 20 percent less fuel, said Joe Ozimek, a marketing manager for Boeing's 737 and 757 models.
    3. A flight distance record was set Thursday by a new Boeing 767-200 twinjet being delivered to Air Seychelles on the island of Mahe in the Indian Ocean, Boeing officials said.
    4. It introduced the 737-400, a stretch twinjet, and the 747-400, the world's largest commercial jetliner.
    5. Until recently, the plane was a disappointment for Boeing, which only had 239 orders for the twinjet from 1978 through 1987.
    6. Boeing said the plane will be the largest twinjet in the skies after it enters service in 1995.
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