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 twinkling ['twiŋkliŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 闪烁的, 闪亮的, 闪光的

n. 闪烁, 瞬间

    [ noun ]
    1. a very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat)

    2. <noun.time>
      if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash
    [ adj ]
    1. shining intermittently with a sparkling light

    2. <adj.all>
      twinkling stars

    Twinkle \Twin"kle\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Twinkled}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Twinkling}.] [OE. twinklen, AS. twinclian; akin to OE.
    twinken to blink, wink, G. zwinken, zwinkern, and perhaps to
    E. twitch.]
    1. To open and shut the eye rapidly; to blink; to wink.

    The owl fell a moping and twinkling. --L' Estrange.

    2. To shine with an intermitted or a broken, quavering light;
    to flash at intervals; to sparkle; to scintillate.

    These stars not twinkle when viewed through
    telescopes that have large apertures. --Sir I.

    The western sky twinkled with stars. --Sir W.

    Twinkling \Twin"kling\, n.
    1. The act of one who, or of that which, twinkles; a quick
    movement of the eye; a wink; a twinkle. --Holland.

    2. A shining with intermitted light; a scintillation; a
    sparkling; as, the twinkling of the stars.

    3. The time of a wink; a moment; an instant.

    In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last
    trump, . . . the dead shall be raised incorruptible.
    --1 Cor. xv.

    1. Here's a glimpse of how the Darlings' dinner time ritual has evolved: Janice Darling's variety store is nestled among the twinkling lights and garlands that festoon Main Street.
    2. In the twinkling of an eye, interior troops and police cordoned off the stadium, and also quickly surrounded the tragedy," the newspaper said.
    3. Actors who switch in a wink from Nutcracker bears who cavort to Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" to dancing Christmas trees with twinkling lights and green felt arms need fast changes and freedom to move.
    4. Muggeridge delivered the remark with the same puckish smile and twinkling eyes that enlivened his rigid views against contraception, abortion, divorce and pornography.
    5. He used his hands very delicately, like a surgeon, and his feet were always twinkling.
    6. "We can bring a breath of fresh air to Eastern Europe," he says, eyes twinkling behind owl-like spectacles.
    7. In the centre of the front row was good old Norman - head thrown back, eyes closed in ecstasy at some G7 joke, teeth scrubbed and twinkling, eyebrows artfully combed, his tie a brilliant blue.
    8. "He was a charming guy with a twinkling civility," says Mr. Roeser.
    9. New Orleans lights up with thousands of twinkling lights along the Moonwalk, Woldenberg Riverfront Park and Spanish Plaza. Riverfront streetcars, decorated with garlands, red bows and white lights, take passengers to see fireworks displays.
    10. There was a circular light overhead, which alternated twinkling bluebirds of happiness with Doc of the Seven Dwarves playing the pipes astraddle a crescent moon.
    11. You get back from life what you put into it." Guitarist John Abercrombie stood in a tangle of foot switches and wires on stage at the Jazz Showcase, nodding toward a guitar synthesizer and bank of boxes sparkling with twinkling lights behind him.
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