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 twinning   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 孪生, 成对

[医] 对裂, 成对; 双生, 双胎生成

    [ adj ]
    producing two offspring at a time

    Twin \Twin\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Twinned}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To bring forth twins. --Tusser.

    2. To be born at the same birth. --Shak.

    Twinning \Twin"ning\, n. (Crystallog.)
    The assemblage of two or more crystals, or parts of crystals,
    in reversed position with reference to each other in
    accordance with some definite law; also, rarely, in
    artificial twinning (accomplished for example by pressure),
    the process by which this reversal is brought about.

    {Polysynthetic twinning}, repeated twinning of crystal
    lamell[ae], as that of the triclinic feldspars.

    {Repeated twinning}, twinning of more than two crystals, or
    parts of crystals.

    {Twinning axis}, {Twinning plane}. See the Note under {Twin},

    1. Training is being provided under a 'twinning' arrangement initiated by the International Finance Corporation and financed by the World Bank loan.
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