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 tolerant ['tɑlərənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 宽容的, 容忍的, (对冷、热)能耐的

[医] 能耐受的

    [ adj ]
    1. showing respect for the rights or opinions or practices of others

    2. <adj.all>
    3. tolerant and forgiving under provocation

    4. <adj.all>
      our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke
    5. showing or characterized by broad-mindedness

    6. <adj.all>
      a broad political stance
      generous and broad sympathies
      a liberal newspaper
      tolerant of his opponent's opinions
    7. able to tolerate environmental conditions or physiological stress

    8. <adj.all>
      the plant is tolerant of saltwater
      these fish are quite tolerant as long as extremes of pH are avoided
      the new hybrid is more resistant to drought
    9. showing the capacity for endurance

    10. <adj.all>
      injustice can make us tolerant and forgiving
      a man patient of distractions

    Tolerant \Tol"er*ant\, a. [L. tolerans, p. pr. of tolerare to
    tolerate: cf. F. tol['e]rant. See {Tolerate}.]
    Inclined to tolerate; favoring toleration; forbearing;

    1. The current tolerant public mood toward Bush's gulf policy could change dramatically if Bush goes to war without satisfying the American people that peaceful alternatives had been exhausted.
    2. They are highly tolerant of different cultural habits, and will tend not to take offence if you are ignorant of theirs.
    3. "The fruit attracts bugs and the trees aren't very tolerant of auto pollution," she said during a recent interview at a meeting of peach growers in Fort Valley.
    4. What's more, the double-digit gains from stock and bond investments the past few years may make investors more tolerant of mutual fund fees these days.
    5. This year, as a result of the more tolerant political climate in Poland, even hard-line newspapers such as the Communist Party daily Trybuna Ludu have carried reports on what happened during and after the Soviet invasion.
    6. People who drink heavily can develop chronic tolerances and the children of alcoholics are sometimes innately tolerant of the drug, he said.
    7. Liang also reportedly supported a tolerant stance toward the island's students participating in the pro-democracy movement, which the central government accused Zhao of backing.
    8. Stratus makes "fault tolerant" computers that can handle a constant stream of tasks without breaking down.
    9. For, in addition to their other properties, many of the new plants are bred to be more tolerant of weedkillers that might maim less sturdy crops.
    10. But other ministers appear less tolerant of intellectual dissent, as the recent premature departure of two high-flying permanent secretaries indicates.
    11. Members of the Charter 77 human rights group sent a letter Thursday to Czechoslovakia's prime minister, Ladislav Adamec, demanding that jailed dissidents be freed and officials be more tolerant of public expression.
    12. But he takes a tolerant view of increased federal spending on rural development.
    13. Mitchell said that during full-scale tests of the rocket motor, an unfilled 10-inch gap was left between the ablative panels of the nozzle "to demonstrate that we're tolerant" to a leak through that gap.
    14. "Japan is a culture that thrives on control," says Masao Arime, a labor leader in Okinawa who contends that the Americans, when they were running the place, were much more tolerant of Okinawan cultural differences than the mainland Japanese.
    15. Earlier in the day, Bashkim Hisari, a Kosovo party presidium member, told reporters that the miners' requests would be discussed "in a tolerant dialogue" if they leave their mine at Titova Mitrovica, 125 miles south of Belgrade.
    16. His unhampered appearance yesterday, though not arranged by university officials, is a small sign that the government has become somewhat more tolerant since the October Communist Party Congress.
    17. Not a school was built, nor a road, nor a business created, nor a doctor consulted, without a nod from Madrid. Is Spain still a Catholic country? Spaniards have become very tolerant but everyone still carries cultural and sociological traces of religion.
    18. He may be educated, but he is not tolerant.
    19. "We'll be more tolerant," he says.
    20. Ibadites in north Africa are traditionally tolerant, learned and excellent traders.
    21. China's leaders also have attempted to reassure the nation's disaffected intellectuals recently with speeches that have adopted a more tolerant and conciliatory tone.
    22. In the heyday of its imperial glory, Islam was far more tolerant than its beleaguered people can bear to be today.
    23. On exchange-rate policy, most finance professionals expect Mr. Greenspan to be more tolerant of market fluctuations than Mr. Volcker was.
    24. So the rich man takes the peasant woman to hospital in his limousine.' As our tour of the constituency ended, the doctor warned that even the tolerant British could lose patience. 'The politicians keep looking for this vision thing.
    25. It is hard to believe that Euro-sceptics within the Conservative party will be any more tolerant of a common currency than a single currency.
    26. Local phone calls are free, though payphones need Dh1 or 50 fils for a connection. Roads and driving: Dubai's main city roads are busy but generally efficient and traffic police are tolerant of a newcomer's mistakes.
    27. In time, Lewis said, more tolerant strands in Islamic tradition may prevail over the forces now dominant.
    28. Iran's oil minister, Gholamreza Aghazadeh, a former newspaper editor, is more tolerant.
    29. Carol Muratore, an analyst with Morgan Stanley & Co. said the mainframe systems mean that Stratus's "high-end customers don't go elsewhere" if they need bigger fault tolerant computers in the future.
    30. By the way, non-smokers will be allowed on board, but they will have to be "tolerant," the club says.
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