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 tolerate ['tɒlәreit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 宽容, 容许, 有耐力

    [ verb ]
    1. put up with something or somebody unpleasant

    2. <verb.cognition> abide bear brook digest endure put up stand stick out stomach suffer support
      I cannot bear his constant criticism
      The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks
      he learned to tolerate the heat
      She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage
    3. recognize and respect (rights and beliefs of others)

    4. <verb.social>
      We must tolerate the religions of others
    5. have a tolerance for a poison or strong drug or pathogen or environmental condition

    6. <verb.perception>
      The patient does not tolerate the anti-inflammatory drugs we gave him
    7. allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting

    8. <verb.communication>
      allow permit
      We don't allow dogs here
      Children are not permitted beyond this point
      We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital

    Tolerate \Tol"er*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Tolerated}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Tolerating}.] [L. toleratus, p. p. of tolerare, fr.
    the same root as tollere to lift up, tuli, used as perfect of
    ferre to bear, latus (for tlatus), used as p. p. of ferre to
    bear, and E. thole. See {Thole}, and cf. {Atlas},
    {Collation}, {Delay}, {Elate}, {Extol}, {Legislate},
    {Oblate}, {Prelate}, {Relate}, {Superlative}, {Talent},
    {Toll} to take away, {Translate}.]
    To suffer to be, or to be done, without prohibition or
    hindrance; to allow or permit negatively, by not preventing;
    not to restrain; to put up with; as, to tolerate doubtful

    Crying should not be tolerated in children. --Locke.

    We tolerate them because property and liberty, to a
    degree, require that toleration. --Burke.

    Syn: See {Permit}.

    1. Interior Minister Alejandro Izaguirre warned in a national TV address that the government would not tolerate further public disorder. "Burning buses and cars, lootings and sackings of shops are not the expression of a democratic society.
    2. Last Friday, Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev condemned past anti-religious repression and called for a more tolerate attitude toward religion.
    3. So, I have learned, at the very least, to tolerate computer fishing.
    4. "We just cannot tolerate corporations being in a position of writing themselves a tax break," Mr. Keefe said.
    5. He can afford to tolerate more instability than his opponents could have.
    6. If these schools cannot tolerate religion, many parents will have another reason to get their children out.
    7. "In this administration, with this mayor, we will not tolerate any individual who has views of this type," Sawyer said Monday night at a reception given by a Jewish group.
    8. They're not going to tolerate that,"' Anaya said. "It wasn't days after that the first of many federal investigations were kicked off.
    9. "The citizens of this state will not tolerate this evil insensitivity," said Democratic Sen. Jesus "Chuy" Higuera in voting to convict.
    10. He said the currency reacted today to a statement by a high-ranking Federal Reserve Board official that the United States is ready to tolerate a higher dollar.
    11. But he has carried out only limited political reforms and does not tolerate opposition to one-party rule.
    12. Eisenhower and Taft knew that ensuring harmony between America's ambitions and its resources is a moral imperative because states that tolerate a persistent imbalance between the ends and means of policy run the risk of national ruin.
    13. Stalinism can tolerate a farm woman's selling a few apples off a push cart.
    14. The mistake of the rest of the EC was to fail to realise the implications of the Bundesbank's refusal to tolerate higher inflation.
    15. But other member states, apparently led by France, the Netherlands and Germany, thought otherwise. Soya milk is a substitute for those who cannot tolerate dairy milk or prefer not to drink it.
    16. "At bottom, the court today is so disquieted by the possible exploitation of children in the production of the pornography that it is willing to tolerate the imposition of criminal penalties for simple possession," he said.
    17. Yet the police can see military personnel driving new cars that it would take more than a lifetime's salary to buy. The police say that they do not tolerate extortion and bribery.
    18. People are asking whether the most heavily tainted politicians can return to the inner circle of power, and whether Japanese voters tolerate too much corruption.
    19. But we do not tolerate interference in your home affairs, though we deem it right to express our views on the processes taking place in American society, on your administration's policy.
    20. Saddam is likely to tolerate the pain the embargo will inflict primarily on his civil society longer than the domestic and international coalition would bear the high political and economic costs of insisting on his getting out without compromise.
    21. "We can't tolerate any interference" with police communications, he said.
    22. "I could no longer tolerate the complete absence of freedom in my country," the 25-year-old said. "I know it won't be easy for me in France, but I hope to succeed.
    23. They asked Ishaq Khan to convey to the Bush administration they are not ready to compromise Pakistan's political sovereignty and national honor and will not tolerate interference in matters exclusively the concern of Pakistan.
    24. But in recent days, the official media have reported the arrests of several officials on corruption charges in an attempt to show the party will not tolerate such activities.
    25. You have to learn to tolerate fools."
    26. For instance, 11 patients survived among a group of 16 who either failed to respond to or couldn't tolerate standard therapy.
    27. But the Senate would tolerate no delays, and the Supreme Court said it could not breach the separation of powers doctrine by interfering in a legislative matter.
    28. Senate investigators have stressed anew that the battle against illicit drugs shipped from Latin America will be "an uphill fight for a long, long time" if the government continues to tolerate foreign leaders who merely wink at the problem.
    29. We will not tolerate this behavior." It said it summoned police and also notified the Department of Energy.
    30. Some of course see a "riverboat gamble" in Mr. Reagan's willingness to tolerate deficits to hold the line on taxes.
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