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 surreptitious [`sɚəp'tɪʃəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 秘密的, 暗中的, 偷偷摸摸的

[法] 鬼鬼祟祟的, 秘密的, 欺骗的

    [ adj ]
    1. marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed

    2. <adj.all>
      a furtive manner
      a sneak attack
      stealthy footsteps
      a surreptitious glance at his watch
    3. conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods

    4. <adj.all>
      clandestine intelligence operations
      cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines
      hole-and-corner intrigue
      secret missions
      a secret agent
      secret sales of arms
      surreptitious mobilization of troops
      an undercover investigation
      underground resistance

    Surreptitious \Sur`rep*ti"tious\, a. [L. surreptitius, or
    subreptitius, fr. surripere, subripere, to snatch away, to
    withdraw privily; sub- under + rapere to snatch. See {Sub-},
    and {Ravish}.]
    Done or made by stealth, or without proper authority; made or
    introduced fraudulently; clandestine; stealthy; as, a
    surreptitious passage in an old manuscript; a surreptitious
    removal of goods. -- {Sur`rep*ti"tious*ly}, adv.

    1. Asked about the Contras, whose surreptitious receipt of millions of dollars from U.S. secret arms sales to Iran rocked the Reagan administration, Bush explicitly supported a resumption of aid.
    2. Knowledge of the loans might have warned U.S. officials that BCCI had, in fact, acquired a surreptitious interest in First American.
    3. As for Reagan, despite his muscular campaign rhetoric, only a surreptitious transfer of U.S. weapons to Iran _ which caused an uproar when it became public _ seemed to liberate three Americans. And others were seized subsequently.
    4. In the New York afternoon, the dollar hit the intraday high of 1.9500 marks and then swung to its low of 1.9358 marks, aided by rumors of a surreptitious Fed intervention.
    5. She fell in love with a fellow library worker, college student O.P. Bobbitt, after a courtship involving the surreptitious exchange of notes on catalog index cards.
    6. A bankruptcy judge ruled that a secured lender, MNC Commercial Corp. of Baltimore, had used "surreptitious and misleading methods" to determine when to stop making loans to the debtor, M. Paolella & Sons, a Philadelphia tobacco and candy distributor.
    7. An attempt to integrate Swiss law with that of the Community, ,effectively what the European Economic Area requires, would involve a surreptitious loss of sovereignty. It is difficult to fault the argument, even though the book has two serious drawbacks.
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