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 surrounding [sə'raʊndɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 环境

a. 周围的

    [ adj ]
    closely encircling
    encompassing mountain rangesthe surrounding countryside

    Surrounding \Sur*round"ing\, a.
    Inclosing; encircling.

    Surrounding \Sur*round"ing\, n.
    1. An encompassing.

    2. pl. The things which surround or environ; external or
    attending circumstances or conditions.

    Surround \Sur*round"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Surrounded}; p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Surrounding}.] [OF. suronder to overflow, LL.
    superundare; fr. L. super over + undare to rise in waves,
    overflow, fr. unda wave. The English sense is due to the
    influence of E. round. See {Super-}, and {Undulate}, and cf.
    1. To inclose on all sides; to encompass; to environ.

    2. To lie or be on all sides of; to encircle; as, a wall
    surrounds the city.

    But could instead, and ever-during dark
    Surrounds me. --Milton.

    3. To pass around; to travel about; to circumnavigate; as, to
    surround the world. [Obs.] --Fuller.

    4. (Mil.) To inclose, as a body of troops, between hostile
    forces, so as to cut off means of communication or
    retreat; to invest, as a city.

    Syn: To encompass; encircle; environ; invest; hem in; fence

    1. The dock contains five blocks of five-story, red-brick and cast-iron warehouses surrounding a 7-acre "courtyard" of water.
    2. The two-story frame farm house and the surrounding 25 acres in suburban Mount Pleasant had been slated for part of a residential development, but a citizens group known as Friends of Historic Snee Farm took title to the property over the weekend.
    3. Bennett's presence in the Charlestown court had been waived because of the publicity surrounding his arrest.
    4. Political jitters have been exacerbated by recent corruption scandals surrounding members of the government.
    5. In the province of Warsaw, which includes the city and surrounding villages, local governments have paid only 3 percent of their annual dues to the provincial government, the Zycie Warszawy newspaper said.
    6. And they assert that the campaign will not be diverted by the questions surrounding the episode.
    7. Syrian and Christian gunners on Saturday fought their fiercest artillery duels in a month around Beirut and the surrounding mountains.
    8. Fighting has raged in the surrounding area since Jan. 17 and has sent 5,000 Karen civilians fleeing across the Thai border.
    9. Adding to the confusion surrounding the incident, Mr. Howard said, the Iranian jetliner also was transmitting identifying signals usually associated with civilian aircraft.
    10. Sydney Kentridge, a defense lawyer, said the controversy surrounding the witness, Joseph Manete, could be resolved only if the case were reopened to allow new oral evidence.
    11. But the tensions surrounding the current pressure on Germany and France over the value of their currencies have exposed other weaknesses that have been inherent in the EMS since it started operating in March 1979.
    12. Guarded by 6,500 riot police, bulldozers began demolishing iron fences surrounding Sanrizuka Struggle Hall, a two-story prefabricated headquarters built by local farmers and the extremist group Chukakuha, or Middle Core Faction.
    13. I was usually on the sparsely populated liberal side of the internal debates surrounding these cases, and during the brief period when our government service overlapped, I usually found that Judge Bork was my ally.
    14. Less than two hours later, an explosion rocked a downtown Banco Central office and shattered glass in surrounding buildings, he said.
    15. With so much uncertainty surrounding the political situation in Japan, an early resolution of the trade dispute between the US and Japan cannot be expected.
    16. Last year, Rochester and the surrounding area exported a record $6.3 billion worth of products, which is more than the overall totals from 30 different states.
    17. Since the farmland surrounding the centre is not encumbered by disputes over land ownership, the area has been the target of much speculation. A total of 143 industrial areas and business parks, covering 10m sq m have been planned.
    18. The visit "and the publicity surrounding it are interpreted as a political gesture of a nature to bring about unwelcome elements in the electoral campaign and stir new passions," the government statement said.
    19. The copter crashed into the fence surrounding an exercise yard, injuring both the would-be escapee and the pilot.
    20. He didn't rule it out, but pointed to the difficulties surrounding such negotiations.
    21. At least 30 gold miners died when a 200-foot wall of mud surrounding their excavation site collapsed and buried them in the remote Amazon jungle, authorities said.
    22. Traders there said fears that the scandal surrounding Japan's big brokerage houses will spread added to worries about a looming slump in Japan's economic growth.
    23. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in a move likely to benefit the idle Seabrook, N.H., nuclear plant, proposed cutting back emergency planning required for towns surrounding a plant before first-phase operations can begin.
    24. When he finished the song, a couple of people in the big Beijing banquet hall started to applaud, then abruptly stopped amid the surrounding silence.
    25. The couple's four young children and three friends were asleep in the house when four bombs were thrown over the wall surrounding the garden.
    26. "It isn't like the uncertainty (surrounding Niagara Mohawk) has moved into the background," says Robin M. Jaffe, a utility analyst at Dean Witter Reynolds Inc.
    27. Some Western officials believe the guerrillas, now surrounding Kabul and other major cities, will soon topple Najib's government. But Najib says his troops can hold on without the Soviet soldiers.
    28. "Bush wraps himself in the flag, exploits emotions surrounding the issue of abortion, casts doubt on the patriotism of his opponent and attacks the American Civil Liberties Union," the editorial said.
    29. The missing whale got its name because skin on its snout had been rubbed down to the bone by the rough ice surrounding a breathing hole that kept the mammals alive.
    30. Moreover, said Vincent Palumbo, a Seabrook supporter and Republican majority leader in New Hampshire's House of Representatives, the politics surrounding Seabrook are much different.
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