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 surtax ['sɚ`tæks]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 附加税

[经] 附加税

    [ noun ]
    1. an additional tax on certain kinds of income that has already been taxed

    2. <noun.possession>
    [ verb ]
    1. levy an extra tax on

    2. <verb.possession>
      surtax luxury items that cost more than $1,000

    Surtax \Sur"tax\, n.
    An additional or extra tax.

    Surtax \Sur*tax"\, v. t.
    To impose an additional tax on.

    1. Congress has been flooded with mail from older Americans with higher incomes who now must pay a surtax of up to $800 this year for federal insurance against costs of catastrophic illness.
    2. That amendment would have imposed an 18 percent surtax in millionaires in order to reduce Medicare patients' out-of-pocket expenses.
    3. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., was defeated 58-40 when he offered an amendment that would have delayed the Medicare surtax for a year.
    4. About 60 percent pay some surtax, but fewer than 6 percent pay the maximum, which this year is $800.
    5. Canada late last month offered to impose a 15% surtax on those exports to avoid the duties.
    6. The surtax this year is 15 percent of a Medicare beneficiary's federal income tax of $150 or more.
    7. The senator said his proposal also will include a millionaires surtax, but a new top rate will affect individuals of much higher income than would be taxed by the House bill.
    8. The maximum surtax payment is capped at $800 per person in 1989 and rises to $1,050 in 1993.
    9. The maximum surtax payment, expected at affect about 5 percent of the elderly, is capped at $800 in 1989 and rises to $1,050 in 1993.
    10. That remainder pays a 15 percent surtax on top of federal income tax. The surtax rate is due to climb to 28 percent by 1993.
    11. That remainder pays a 15 percent surtax on top of federal income tax. The surtax rate is due to climb to 28 percent by 1993.
    12. Did not Anthony Barber abolish surtax in the 1973 Finance Act?
    13. But they bogged down over an amendment offered by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., to delay some of the new catastrophic care provisions for the elderly under Medicare, including the surtax on people more than 65 years old designed to pay for the program.
    14. The head of the Internal Revenue Service said today there is one line on the 1989 tax forms that can be ignored by millions of elderly Americans _ the one suggesting they`may owe a surtax to pay for catastrophic health coverage under Medicare.
    15. Lawmakers say most of the complaints came from two groups of retirees: those who already have coverage and those higher-income people who must pay the surtax that finances two-thirds of the program.
    16. The provisions would reduce the Medicare surtax and benefits and increase a flat monthly premium meant to finance the program.
    17. In addition, upper-income beneficiaries would pay an extra portion of the program's cost, which is estimated at about $5 billion a year, through a hefty surtax on federal income-tax liability.
    18. The law set up a supplemental insurance medical plan for senior citizens and has triggered objections because it requires seniors to pay a surtax on their income taxes for the coverage.
    19. The package under consideration by the committee would: _Reduce the surtax rate from 15 percent of income tax over $150 to 12 percent, and the maximum surtax this year from $800 per Medicare enrollee to $585.
    20. The package under consideration by the committee would: _Reduce the surtax rate from 15 percent of income tax over $150 to 12 percent, and the maximum surtax this year from $800 per Medicare enrollee to $585.
    21. The House Ways and Means Committee voted Tuesday to cut by half the surtax on older Americans that pays for Medicare insurance against costs of a catastrophic illness, shifting some of the cost to both those with lower and those with higher incomes.
    22. Most, however, would have paid a far smaller amount and about 60 percent`of Medicare-eligible people do not have enough income to have been subject to the surtax at all.
    23. The plan is unique because it is financed solely by its beneficiaries; on top of a flat monthly fee paid by all beneficiaries, about 40% of the wealthiest beneficiaries paid an income surtax.
    24. The House wants to repeal the entire measure, but the Senate wants only to eliminate the surtax and most benefits, leaving coverage of hospital costs and other minor provisions intact.
    25. The current surtax rate of 15 percent of income tax liability would be cut to 10 percent for five years.
    26. The maximum surtax this year is $800 per person, or $1,600 if both spouses are eligible for Medicare.
    27. But for Democrats skeptical of attacking Iraq soon, calling for a surtax underscores the domestic price of going to war.
    28. If there is no surplus, benefits would have to be cut if the surtax is cut, said Bentsen. "We have to take a serious look at benefits, and prescription drugs is one of those we will look at," he said.
    29. That's just morally and ethically wrong." Gibbons' proposed surtax effectively would have added $150 in taxes a year for every $10,000 in federal income taxes paid by an individual, family or company.
    30. They were upset at his committee's attempt to pacify the program critics by cutting the surtax paid by the more affluent elderly and making up the loss by shifting more of the burden to the elderly poor and by delaying some benefits by a year.
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