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 stunner ['stʌnɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 令人震惊的事物, 绝妙的东西, 出色的人

    [ noun ]
    1. a very attractive or seductive looking woman

    2. <noun.person>
    3. an unexpected and amazing event

    4. <noun.event>
      the stunner was what happened on Saturday

    Stunner \Stun"ner\, n.
    1. One who, or that which, stuns.

    2. Something striking or amazing in quality; something of
    extraordinary excellence. [Slang] --Thackeray.

    1. With her long auburn hair, Raphael-like face, wide mouth and all-knowing eyes, she is a stunner, off-screen and on.
    2. The album's finale, "The Sun Is Gonna Shine Again," is a stunner.
    3. This was a stunner, both because it seemed to indicate that there is no case without the immunized testimony and because this is such a bizarre view of the law.
    4. Thomas Donovan, vice chairman of Marine Midland Banks, which has also moved to acquire banking companies outside New York, called the announcement "a bit of a stunner.
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