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 stunted ['stʌntid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 成长受妨碍的, 发育不良的

[医] 发育障碍的, 短小的

    [ adj ]
    inferior in size or quality
    scrawny cattlescrubby cut-over pine
    old stunted thorn trees

    Stunted \Stunt"ed\, a.
    Dwarfed. -- {Stunt"ed*ness}, n.

    Stunt \Stunt\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stunted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Stunting}.] [See {Stint}.]
    To hinder from growing to the natural size; to prevent the
    growth of; to stint, to dwarf; as, to stunt a child; to stunt
    a plant.

    When, by a cold penury, I blast the abilities of a
    nation, and stunt the growth of its active energies,
    the ill or may do is beyond all calculation. --Burke.

    1. Sterling asset growth for both banks and building societies remains stunted by recession.
    2. It's just a ragged clump of stunted spruce, but the Adak National Forest is nothing short of inspirational to foresters who dream of covering the desolate Aleutian Islands with trees.
    3. In Europe strong unions and restrictive legislation have stunted job creation by putting a floor under wages.
    4. Economic policies have stunted farmers' incentives to adopt new technology and have strongly affected production methods, Day said.
    5. At Snowbird, Gad Valley and Peruvian Gulch have steep-sided bowls with stunted, blizzard-lashed pine trees to give you a little perspective.
    6. First the recession of the 1980s, a few brief years of recovery, and then headlong into another recession which has stunted aspiration. There are now, it is true, glimpses of recovery.
    7. Ten years after signing a treaty with Egypt that ended three decades of war, Israel has mixed feelings about the stunted peace with the largest and most powerful Arab state.
    8. But the Popular Front says reunification should be put on hold for the moment in favor of rebuilding the republic's economy and restoring Moldavian culture, stunted by decades of Russification.
    9. California wheat growers like Santa Ynez's Doug Mosebar are earning top dollar because of stunted production on the Great Plains.
    10. Five-year-old Michael Thorp was born mentally retarded, neurologically impaired, developmentally stunted, with facial and other body malformations, according to court documents.
    11. Nothing is plain about the folk in Billy Bathgate: stunted, horrifically mediocre, the blind leading the blinded. Liebestraum has more life, but it is hard to define that life.
    12. Vice Minister Li Lanqing of the Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Ministry complained of "outdated U.S. legislation," quotas and anti-dumping legislation that he said have stunted the growth of China's imports to the United States.
    13. Newspapers printed sober editorials about the problems of unemployment in the economically stunted former communist part of Germany, which officially united Oct. 3.
    14. Nearly half Malawi's children are stunted by malnutrition, according to the government's own figures.
    15. In London the ISE/Nikkei 50 index put on 0.73 at 1,286.54. Dealers said the Nikkei index has been stunted for the past few weeks due to selling by corporate investors, with small-lot buying support only coming from public funds and arbitrageurs.
    16. Inefficient offices clearly haven't stunted Japan's economic growth.
    17. Mr. James found Willie several years ago living in the streets, his mind stunted in an institution by 10 years of neglect and the tranquilizer Thorazine.
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