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 stuntman 添加此单词到默认生词本


    1. Actor Burt Reynolds testified in a lawsuit brought by the family of a veteran stuntman who was killed when his motorcycle plunged down a 40-foot embankment while filming a movie in the Arizona desert.
    2. He appeared in a few films before leaving the institute to work as a stuntman.
    3. "A stuntman said the dustbin could bounce back and hit me in the face.
    4. "No one's ever done this before," said Ghia, a former chef and movie stuntman.
    5. The garage I walked past was full of souped-up custom cars supplied by stuntman Remy Julienne; the videos of them in action were barely visible because of the swarms of small boys.
    6. Skeeter Vaughan, a Cherokee Inidian whose knife-throwing and tomahawk skills led him to a career as actor and stuntman in movies and television, has died of a heart attack at age 66.
    7. Sandra Good, who was in federal prison for writing threatening letters to business executives, is free on parole, as is Steve Grogan, convicted in the Manson-ordered murder of stuntman Donald "Shorty" Shea.
    8. When frustrated stuntman Karel Soucek became the first person in 23 years to take the plunge over Niagara Falls in a barrel in 1984, he proclaimed himself "the last of the Niagara daredevils." But the Czech-born Canadian Soucek was no prophet.
    9. The biggest giggle came when the camera showed us a boy's book with a decorated cover and the title 'Scouts In Bondage', but you need more than that and yet another stuntman's expose to make a half hour programme.
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