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 soleplate ['sәulpleit添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 熨斗底面, 基础底板

[化] 底板; 基础底板

    Soleplate \Sole"plate`\, n. (Mach.)
    (a) A bedplate; as, the soleplate of a steam engine.
    (b) The plate forming the back of a waterwheel bucket.

    Bedpiece \Bed"piece`\, Bedplate \Bed"plate`\, n. (Mach.)
    The foundation framing or piece, by which the other parts are
    supported and held in place; the bed; -- called also
    {baseplate} and {soleplate}.

    1. One possibility is to use ceramic hob technology to produce a new type of soleplate, ending the need for an element.
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