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 solicitation [sә,lisi'teiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 恳求, 恳请, 教唆, 诱惑

    [ noun ]
    1. an entreaty addressed to someone of superior status

    2. <noun.communication>
      a solicitation to the king for relief
    3. request for a sum of money

    4. <noun.communication>
      an appeal to raise money for starving children
    5. the act of enticing a person to do something wrong (as an offer of sex in return for money)

    6. <noun.act>

    Solicitation \So*lic`i*ta"tion\, n. [F. sollicitation, or L.
    1. The act of soliciting; earnest request; persistent asking;

    2. Excitement; invitation; as, the solicitation of the
    senses. --Locke.

    1. Under the 1989 law, which San Francisco Municipal Court began enforcing Tuesday, anyone convicted of prostitution or solicitation must be tested for the HIV virus and receive counseling.
    2. The resignation of a popular state representative as head of the powerful Minnesota House Appropriations Committee after pleading guilty to charges stemming from his solicitation of males for sex.
    3. Balzary, 26, also pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and solicitation to commit an unnatural and lascivious act.
    4. In an unusual move, the judge ordered the Navy not only to rebid the contract but to submit the language of the new solicitation for his approval within two weeks.
    5. A group led by New York investor Frank J.A. Cilluffo, which owns 18.1% of Amdura, has begun a consent solicitation to replace Amdura's board with Cilluffo nominees.
    6. The company said it will ask a federal appeals court at a hearing set for April 30 to uphold the original decision barring Torchmark's solicitation of proxies for its slate.
    7. "We believe the shareholders deserve an opportunity to fully consider the significance of these recent developments affecting the solicitation by the Parks Group," Weiss said.
    8. To win a consent solicitation, Coniston needs to deliver consents representing a majority of the company's shares outstanding.
    9. The partnership also said it hired Carter Organization Inc., a New York-based proxy solicitation concern.
    10. The parents, arrested February in Toledo, are accused of conspiracy and solicitation to commit murder for allegedly hiring an assassin and attempting to have the victims' body parts preserved and shipped to Toledo.
    11. Batus Inc. said it reached an agreement with the Kansas Insurance Department enabling it to proceed with a proxy solicitation of Farmers Group Inc.'s holders.
    12. If they don't, we'll pursue our $55-a-share deal" or pursue a consent solicitation to replace Georgia Gulf's board.
    13. According to the filing, Trimedyne said it would dismiss the complaint if the group filed an amended statement with the SEC, saying it no longer planned a proxy solicitation.
    14. Take proxy solicitation, one of the main focuses of SEC censorship.
    15. A spokesman for Beatrice said the company is revising a solicitation statement to bondholders in which it asks them to relax some restrictive covenants.
    16. In a letter to the approximately 30 firms involved in the solicitation, Alex.
    17. And Irwin Jacobs, the Minneapolis investor, also was unsuccessful in using a solicitation in his abortive bid for Pabst Brewing Co. in 1982.
    18. The solicitation would serve as an insurance policy should another bidder fail to materialize and should American Standard continue to seek alternatives to Black & Decker's tender offer, the source said.
    19. In invalidating Centaur's call for the special meeting, Gawthrop cited a provision included in the group's solicitation to shareholders.
    20. He also was charged by special prosecutors with four counts of theft and one count each of criminal solicitation, conspiracy and making a false writing.
    21. But winning a consent solicitation can be more difficult than winning a proxy contest because the solicitors need to deliver consents representing a majority of the company's shares outstanding, rather than simply a majority of the voting shares.
    22. LaRouche, a frequent presidential candidate, is serving a 15-year sentence for conspiracy and mail fraud in his organization's solicitation of $34 million in loans.
    23. They have been deterred because the current rules automatically force such outreach to be conducted as if it were a hostile solicitation.
    24. DynCorp said it has received "several proposals" to acquire it in response to a solicitation of bids.
    25. The board of Datapoint Corp., beseiged by a group of dissident shareholders seeking to oust Chairman Asher Edelman, has set Sept. 27 as the record date for a consent solicitation.
    26. New York-based Brookhurst Partners, an investor group controlled by Herbert B. Abelow and Nicholas L. Ihasz, has launched its attack on management through a consent solicitation, which requires the votes of 50 percent of all outstanding shares.
    27. Last month, high school students in South Carolina mailed in $276.50 they had raised from a car wash and door-to-door solicitation.
    28. Under the court ruling, the department is barred from awarding the contract described in the solicitation to any company other than TRW.
    29. As previously reported, Allegis sued Coniston last week in a Delaware federal court, alleging Coniston had violated securities laws in connection with its planned shareholder solicitation to remove the majority of the company's directors.
    30. Sophisticated direct-mail solicitation in the 1970s made it easier.
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