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 smashed [smæʃt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 喝醉酒的

[法] 酒醉的

    [ adj ]
    very drunk

    Smash \Smash\ (sm[a^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Smashed}
    (sm[a^]sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Smashing}.] [Cf. Sw. smisk a
    blow, stroke, smiska to strike, dial. Sw. smaske to kiss with
    a noise, and E. smack a loud kiss, a slap.]
    1. To break in pieces by violence; to dash to pieces; to

    Here everything is broken and smashed to pieces.

    2. (Lawn Tennis) To hit (the ball) from above the level of
    the net with a very hard overhand stroke.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. They smashed the display cases, destroying the inventory.
    2. The four fatalities were all inside the pickup truck that smashed into the rear of the tanker, Stone said.
    3. In Oradea in northwest Romania, unidentified assailants smashed windows and broke down the doors of a synagogue on the night of Feb. 15-16, said Teodor Blumenfeld, general secretary of the Federation of Romanian Jewish Communities.
    4. He said that after a Jewish settler was killed in the West Bank in June, soldiers came to his house, broke the porch lights and smashed a front window.
    5. The three executed were convicted of setting fire to a train after it smashed through a barricade set up by demonstrators, killing six people.
    6. Desks and file cabinets were toppled, and a glass door was smashed, he said.
    7. Police arrested the British fans after they smashed windows of parked cars Sunday night in the suburb of Hamamet and disturbed residents with shouting and other rowdy behavior.
    8. The impact broke the plane's wings and smashed the cockpit windows.
    9. The smashed cocaine-trafficking network belonged to Carmelo Meco Dominguez.
    10. The smashed window in the May burglary at the Municipal Museum triggered an electronic alarm at the museum's private security firm, which reportedly took 20 minutes to warn police and investigate the burglary.
    11. He said he hit Brandt's car and then smashed his camera and telephone.
    12. Some guards have even smashed windows at the bases they were hired to protect, the House of Commons committee said.
    13. When Ralph Stayer's workers botched sales orders, mislabeled products and even smashed a forklift into a wall, he didn't moan, he didn't groan, he just changed bosses.
    14. A Camden, N.J., man died when winds picked him up and smashed him to the ground, authorities said.
    15. A ground-floor window was smashed before dawn to gain entry to the museum.
    16. "I see a lot of dreams being smashed by what I consider some pretty shortsighted decisions by private industry." The spreading blotches of logged-over land come at a pivotal moment in Northwestern logging.
    17. Showers and thunderstorms dampened parts of the Midwest and the West today after a heat wave baking America's northern half smashed or tied temperature records in 34 cities from Portland, Ore., to Portland, Maine.
    18. "We have to climb the trees when they throw (toilet paper) up there," volunteer adviser Phil Beachler said. "We send up the smallest kid." Last year, the club cleared one yard of so many smashed pumpkins it took a truck to haul the mess away.
    19. Snipers continued firing Thursday, but their bullets seemed a small danger to people who had spent a week or more underground while shells and rockets smashed homes, hospitals, schools and power stations.
    20. Some of those who were rescued had to be restrained from returning to their smashed vehicles.
    21. Often during his 10 days in the embassy, angry Panamanians smashed pineapples to yellow pulp in the street.
    22. Kristallnacht is German for "crystal night," evoking the shards of glass from windows smashed by the Nazis.
    23. Later, he mended other fences smashed by his predecessor, Anwar Sadat.
    24. The fourth car smashed into a steel pillar, Lauber said. All of the dead were in the fourth car.
    25. Mobs rampaged through the tree-lined streets of Dushanbe, nestled at the foot of a high mountain range, and set fire to buildings, broke windows and smashed public vehicles.
    26. Many ordinary people, by their testimony on the streets, find Mr Yeltsin threatening - both because he has smashed the countervailing power and because he ploughs on with reforms that they cannot understand and from which they do not benefit.
    27. They smashed windows of the buildings, it said.
    28. Windows in homes and shops were smashed and searchers crunched over the broken glass and crumpled bits of metal.
    29. United News of India news agency said more bodies could be trapped under the train's smashed cars.
    30. His black-bristled snout looks smashed in. But he is housebroken.
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