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 smashing ['smæʃiŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 猛烈的, 发出撞击声的, 了不起的, 轰动的

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of breaking something into small pieces

    2. <noun.act>
    [ adj ]
    1. very good

    2. <adj.all>
      he did a bully job
      a neat sports car
      had a great time at the party
      you look simply smashing

    Smash \Smash\ (sm[a^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Smashed}
    (sm[a^]sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Smashing}.] [Cf. Sw. smisk a
    blow, stroke, smiska to strike, dial. Sw. smaske to kiss with
    a noise, and E. smack a loud kiss, a slap.]
    1. To break in pieces by violence; to dash to pieces; to

    Here everything is broken and smashed to pieces.

    2. (Lawn Tennis) To hit (the ball) from above the level of
    the net with a very hard overhand stroke.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. You can't be comfortable if you want to look smashing.
    2. They chased students across the campus, tearing down posters and smashing loudspeakers, chairs and the podium for the rally.
    3. Instead, the 27th from Hebei province was given the task of smashing the student unrest.
    4. In January, the Pentagon incorporated the "Brilliant Pebbles" concept into Phase 1. The technology involves several thousand interceptors that would orbit the Earth to seek and destroy a target by smashing into it at high speeds.
    5. The Review has been central to many campus controversies, including the 1986 smashing of symbolic anti-apartheid shanties on the college green.
    6. Youths, many drunk, roamed streets, smashing windows. Mexico's coach has pleaded with fans to celebrate peacefully.
    7. This so-called Southern Strategy provided Mr. Bush a smashing victory, but otherwise left Republicans in the decided minority in both the House and Senate.
    8. Police said 30 people were arrested after a march by 2,000 villagers in Port Vila became a riot, with protesters looting shops and smashing store windows.
    9. In 1989 he built a maxi named Drumbeat with the aim of smashing Kialoa's record, but never managed it.
    10. The soldiers made a circuit through the camp, smashing house and car windows, before returning to their bus and leaving, witnesses said.
    11. In the southern city of Chonju, about 200 students staged an anti-government rally and attacked two police stations, smashing several windows and setting fire to telephones and furniture, Yonhap said.
    12. The crowd, by midnight swollen to 500 people, lit a bonfire in the street and began smashing shop windows.
    13. The bridge carried more than 260,000 vehicles every weekday before the quake sent a 250-ton piece of the upper deck smashing onto the lower deck, killing one driver.
    14. The mercury hit 100 degrees in downtown Los Angeles at 1 p.m., smashing the April 7 record of 88 set in 1904.
    15. Gunmen shot and killed a Roman Catholic bartender early today after smashing down the front door of his home with sledgehammers, police said.
    16. About 700 inmates rioted at a crowded 19th century prison Sunday, occupying rooftops, smashing windows and setting fires.
    17. Port Moresby journalist Alfred Kaniniba said demonstrators marched with spears, machetes and bows and arrows through downtown, smashing shop windows and looting.
    18. Crowds angered by authorities' failure to open the gates attacked three cars with government license plates outside the stadium with rocks, smashing windshields.
    19. The KGB sent border troop reinforcements to the area Wednesday to stop protesters from smashing guard towers and security alarms.
    20. Three dramas dealing with contemporary issues, "Mandela," "Vietnam War Story" and "Tidy Endings," led Home Box Office to a smashing victory Sunday in the cable industry's 10th Annual ACE Awards.
    21. They have terrorized the surrounding neighborhood, and sometimes even the city government itself, by marching around in "black blocks," smashing shop windows and burning automobiles.
    22. New Democracy youths reportedly retaliated by smashing the windows of a Socialist Movement campaign bureau and attacked the opposing youths with clubs.
    23. Jiang said the party showed its strength by crushing pro-democracy protests in June and "smashing the efforts by hostile foreign forces to foist on China a so-called peaceful evolution" away from socialism.
    24. At least 11 people were killed and about 20 others injured when a runaway tram careered down a hill in the Swedish port city of Gothenburg, smashing cars and ploughing into bystanders.
    25. The bomb went off in the crowded Alameda neighborood, destroying the La Rebaja pharmacy and smashing windows and causing other damage in 13 nearby businesses, Col. Jaime Sierra, director of the police in Cali, told the network.
    26. Two policemen were lightly wounded when protesters threw rocks on a police van, smashing one of the windows, police spokesman Rafi Levy said.
    27. Others say the grains were created by a comet smashing quartz rock.
    28. Also on Monday, groups of students attacked four police stations in Kwangju, smashing windows and doors before being driven off. Clashes between police and some 1,000 protesters also broke out in downtown Kwangju after dark, the agency said.
    29. It would make a smashing hotel.
    30. Shellfire blanketed Beirut on Friday, smashing apartments, setting woodlands ablaze and gutting the hilltop Casino de Liban, a relic of the days when this devastated city was the playground of the Middle East.
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