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 smearing ['smiəriŋ添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. A smear or blot; a smudge.
  2. This accusation of bribery is a vile smear on an honorable citizen.

Smear \Smear\ (sm[=e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Smeared}
(sm[=e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Smearing}.] [OE. smeren,
smerien, AS. smierwan, smyrwan, fr. smeoru fat, grease; akin
to D. smeren, OHG. smirwen, G. schmieren, Icel. smyrja to
anoint. See {Smear}, n.]
1. To overspread with anything unctuous, viscous, or
adhesive; to daub; as, to smear anything with oil. ``Smear
the sleepy grooms with blood.'' --Shak.

2. To soil in any way; to contaminate; to pollute; to stain
morally; as, to be smeared with infamy. --Shak.

3. To smudge, blur, or render indistinct (writing, pictures,

4. to vilify (a person); to damage (a person's reputation),
especially falsely or by unfair innuendo, and with
malicious intent.

  1. The suit's accusations against the unions include charges they conducted a public "smearing" of the carrier's reputation, staged illegal work slowdowns and tried to undermine worker loyalty, Eastern said in a press statement.
  2. "We urge the court to reject the (prosecutor's) efforts to obtain a prison sentence by smearing Oliver North," the defense said in a brief filed Monday.
  3. Reports surfaced of unrest among army officers for what they see as a campaign aimed at smearing the army.
  4. Some of the protesters made police officers' jobs more difficult by smearing themselves with petroleum jelly, said police spokesman Dennis Satariano.
  5. The Roman Catholic church on Sunday rejected accusations by the armed forces that its human rights office is smearing the military and the right-wing party that won elections last month.
  6. "I think she overstepped the bounds of decency by smearing my name in such a vicious way," he said.
  7. The mystery remains how the ethics office could have issued a report smearing the Pilons.
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