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 skee [ʃi:, ski:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 滑雪, 滑水

    Skee \Skee\, n. [Dan. ski; Icel. sk[=i]? a billet of wood. See
    A long strip of wood, curved upwards in front, used on the
    foot for sliding; now usually spelled {ski}.

    Ski \Ski\ (sk[=e]), n.; pl. {skis} (sk[=e]z). [Dan. ski; Icel.
    sk[=i][eth] a billet of wood. See {Skid}.]
    A long, flat, narrow runner made of wood, plastic or metal,
    curved upwards in front, having a fitting allowing it to be
    attached to the foot, and used for gliding or sliding over
    snow. Commonly used in the plural, to designate the pair.
    [Also spelled {skee}.]
    [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

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